Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it okay to dump grease down my drain?
How Grease Can Damage Your Sewer Lateral and Inside Plumbing

When you pour hot grease down your drain, the grease sticks to the inside of the pipe. While many people believe that running hot water down the drain can alleviate the problem, they are wrong. Before the hot grease even gets to the exterior lateral pipe of the house, it is cooling causing the grease to stick to pipe’s surfaces. It may take a while, but slowly and surely, grease will block up your entire pipe, leaving you with a drainage maintenance disaster on your hands. And just like the healthcare costs of fixing clogged arteries, fixing clogged drains can cost you upwards of several hundred dollars. If at all possible, try to dispose of your grease in a jar or a container and wipe the dishes clean with a paper towel prior to washing. Your pipes will thank you.


What is a Lateral Inspection?

The purpose of a Lateral Inspection is to find unwanted rainwater (infiltration) entering into the sanitary sewer. When it rains, flows at the treatment plant facility double and sometimes triple affecting the treatment process. What our inspectors look for is to see where the downspouts are located and where they flow to. If they physically can not see where they drain to, dye with water is dumped into the downspout in question to see where it drains to. If found to be entering the sanitary sewer, IT MUST BE REMOVED from the system. Outside stairwells, driveway drains and yard catch basins are checked as well. Also, the inspectors will check to see the location of the sanitary sewer vent pipe and that it has an appropriate mushroom style vent cap in place and is a minimum of 6” above grade. All clean out caps, if applicable will be checked for integrity.


What to do if my sewer line lateral backs up?

The Bradys Run Sanitary Authority does not perform maintenance or conduct repairs of private laterals. If requested, the Authority will verify that our main lines are flowing freely and not contributing to any backups of sewage. The Authority will provide technical guidance as to what type of materials and repairs are acceptable.

If the service lateral must be replaced because of deterioration of the line, or if it must be relocated for construction on the property, a sewer permit must be obtained and the construction inspected by an Authority inspector.