The Bradys Run Sanitary Authority sewerage system currently serves approximately 90% of the total population in the Township. The sewage collection and conveyance system comprises approximately 100 miles of sanitary sewers; nearly 3,500 manholes; as well as, eight miles of force mains from eight (8) sewage lift stations. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is located along Route 51 in Chippewa Township, Beaver County. The Bradys Run sewerage system also services portions of South Beaver, Patterson and Brighton Townships, Big Beaver Borough, and the Beaver County Airport and Brady’s Run Park.
The Bradys Run Sanitary Authority employs seven (7) full time employees at the treatment facility. All seven (7) of the employees are currently State Certified Wastewater Operators thru the Department of Environmental Protection Agency (DEP). The Treatment plant has gone through two major renovations/expansions since its initial construction in 1968. Originally designed to handle 1.00 million gallons a day of wastewater; it now has the design capacity of 2.13 million gallons a day. Currently, on average a million gallons of wastewater is treated per day, generating 4000 gallons of sludge for processing.
The treatment process for the plant uses a series of tanks to settle out the waste from the water and uses an all natural biological process utilizing a trickling filter to remove the fine solids from the water. The final result is an exceptional quality of water being discharged from the plant.